
  • ET Eye Tracking

    The ET eye-tracking is used to calibrate the eye-tracking accuracy of Wavelight laser therapy instrument. We sincerely invite customers and third-party companies with such needs to come to consult and negotiate.

  • PMMA Energy Test

    Alcon Wavelight excimer laser Energy Test, a consumable tool for accurate measurement and calibration of excimer laser energy. We sincerely invite customers and third-party companies with such needs to come to consult and negotiate.

  • Patient Interface Component

    J&J AMO Intralase Patient Interface Component (PI) : Femtosecond surgical flattening cone mirror. We sincerely invite customers and third-party companies with such needs to come to consult and negotiate.

  • Excimer Laser ArF Gas

    Supply all brands and models of excimer laser ArF Gas:

长治县| 侯马市| 两当县| 贺州市| 当雄县| 大渡口区| 焦作市| 南城县| 邳州市| 洛川县| 周口市| 邵东县| 晋州市| 县级市| 马鞍山市| 和田县| 沙坪坝区| 启东市| 马尔康县| 淮安市| 隆回县| 镇康县| 永康市| 富宁县| 禄丰县| 榆中县| 大洼县| 双辽市| 长泰县| 沂南县| 界首市| 宜昌市| 乐昌市| 泰顺县| 宁陵县| 邯郸市| 福鼎市| 城步| 和平县| 讷河市| 达拉特旗|